Purchase Suggestion
We welcome your purchase suggestions for already-released titles not owned by KPL. Priority will be given to items also not already owned by other libraries in the SHARE Consortium.
Items are selected based on community interest and not individual use. The criteria used for selecting items for our library can be found in the Collection Development and Materials Selection Policy. Items selected to be added to the collection will be made available from our vendors in approximately 6-8 weeks after you are notified it has been ordered. Amazon is not a standard vendor for KPL.
If an item is not yet-released, other options for placing a hold are:
- Sign up for the Favorite Authors Club
- Place a hold after the item record appears in the catalog
- Fill out the purchase suggestion form after the item is released and it is not found in our catalog.
Authors or their representatives can submit their work to be considered by completing the Independent Author Submission Form.
Community Library Patrons should use the Community Library Purchase Request Form
We welcome your suggestions for purchase. Please know that while we cannot guarantee the title will be purchased, we use all suggestions to help form a well-balanced collection. To send us a suggestion, please complete the Suggest a Purchase form to let us know your request.