Books and Reading
Overdrive – Wisconsin’s Digital Library Download & Stream eAudiobooks eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks Magazines Magazines & Newspapers Movies
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Books and Reading
ABCmouse (in-house only)
ABCmouse offers a research-validated curriculum for preschool, pre-k, kindergarten, 1st grade, and 2nd grade with more than 10,000 individual Learning Activities and more than 850 complete lessons along our Step-by-Step Learning Path.
Beanstack eAudiobooks eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks New!
Book Connections
- Connect deeply with a book they are reading
- Gain new insights and understanding from award-winning authors
- Reinforce cultural authenticity and perspectives with diverse books
- Cultivate a life-long love of reading
- Find author interviews, lesson plans & interactive activities, discussion guides, and more to support literacy instruction
Hoopla Download & Stream eAudiobooks eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks Movies Music
Online Storytimes Download & Stream eLearning
Enjoy our recorded stories, fingerplays and songs by KPL children’s librarians whenever works for you! Storytime videos are available in English with English and Spanish subtitles. These storytimes have been created for children who are 5 and under.
Overdrive – Wisconsin’s Digital Library Download & Stream eAudiobooks eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks Magazines Magazines & Newspapers Movies
Download e-books, e-audiobooks, videos and magazines for your computer or mobile devices.
Overdrive Kids eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks
Find eBooks for kids by subject or reading level. Kids-only, no teen or adult reading-level books included. eBooks eBooks & eAudiobooks
A portal to online resources for exploring children's and young adult books, both fiction and non-fiction, and their authors. Includes multimedia resources such as audiobook readings and short videos about authors and illustrators.